Traditional Markets are under threat: What is your link? – 25th January 2016

Markets  campaigns across the UK – sharing experiences and thinking future actions

25th January, 1-6pm

Central House, University College London

LG01 (basement)  

14 Upper Woburn Place

This meeting will bring together various campaigns across the UK that have been active in defending and promoting public markets against abandonment, closure and/or gentrification.

 The meeting is part of a project funded by the Antipode Foundation that Sara Gonzalez and Gloria Dawson at the University of Leeds undertook in 2015 and which mapped out existing market campaigns and their tactics. A website and a report with this information can be found

Sara Gonzalez has also been an active campaigner in Friends of Leeds Kirkgate Market since 2010.

The meeting on the 25th of January aims at bringing together existing markets campaigns across the UK to share and learn experiences from each other. Joining up market campaigns and campaigners opens opportunities for solidarity also raising issues at a national level.

We are also inviting a few other campaigners from related struggles (in housing and food sovereignty) and/or academics to raise awareness and disseminate the issues concerning  markets

The proposed agenda is divided in two parts. The first one is about knowing each other and learning the basics of each other campaigns involved in the workshop and the second part is about exploring possibilities for future collaboration.