Author: CFGN

Sowing the Seeds of Revolution: from Syria to London

Natalie Szarek is currently in Rojava, North Eastern Syria, participating in ecological work and learning from the work of the revolution, which is based on radical democracy, ecological sustainability and gender liberation. Before transplanting to Rojava, Natalie was involved in the ecological food movement in London, including coordinating the Community Food Growers Network, founding Audacious…

Policy Proposals for the London Plan

The Community Food Growers Network (CFGN), Capital Growth, Women’s Environmental Network (WEN), Federation of City Farms & Gardens and Just Space have worked together to write London Plan policy proposals to support community food production and projects in the capital.

We want a London where all Londoners have access to fresh nutritious food, community space, and opportunities for training & employment.

Policy launch: Towards a resilient food system for London – 17th November 2016

 Community Food policy for Health, Housing, Economy & Training

17th November 2016


Committee Room 2, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, London, SE1 2AA

Sign up to attend here:
