Author: CFGN

Visiting Forty Hall Farm

We had a great meet up at Forty Hall Farm on Sunday with seven different groups represented plus a delightful dollop of sunshine.

Forty Hall Farm is an 170 acres council site leased out to Capel Manor College with about 8 acres currently set aside for the market garden. Beth, Matthew and Mary are doing the most amazing job of getting the growing spaces up and running.…

Grow Heathrow is Five!

Who would have thought it? It’s been 5 years of growing tomatoes, learning how to use renewable energy, protecting from planes, pollution and capitalism and finding out about what community really means.. so it’s time to party…

Saturday 28th February 11am till late: 5th BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! Expect workshops, guest speakers, fun and games, pizzas, live music, tours, the cake competition, late night djs, and more.…