Author: CFGN

Feeding Cities from within

Re-post from Sustainable Food Trust

Urban agriculture is sprouting up all over the world. Urbanites are taking the soil into their own hands and wrestling back control of food production – from community allotments driving regeneration in Detroit and guerrilla gardeners turning flower beds into cabbage patches across cities to temporary growing plots in meanwhile spaces like the Skip Garden in London and commercial rooftop greenhouse operations like Lufa Farms in Montreal.

Urban agriculture is much more prevalent in developing nations. This often comes about through necessity, in response to economic breakdown, civil unrest or institutional decline, when incomes and food distribution systems are disrupted. Urban farming becomes a household survival strategy in these situations. In Kampala, Uganda, over 35% of the city’s population are engaged in agriculture, and this has improved the nutritional status of children there. In Yaounde, Cameroon, almost all the leafy vegetables consumed by poor urban residents are grown in the valleys surrounding the city.

‘Land for What?’ recruiting a Co-ordinator


We live in a time of widening social inequality, various housing and health crises, and impending climate collapse. When fire fighting such important issues, it is hard to step back and make time to explore and challenge the roots of these systemic struggles. Land has been the elephant in the room of English politics for so long we have become accustomed to its absence during important discussions. However, if you begin to reframe common questions about housing, environment and health in terms of the role of land, its fundamental importance becomes clear. Land for What? aims to raise awareness, create dialogue and forge connections between affected groups, and inspire us to build long lasting solutions.

The Role:

Coordinator for ‘Land for What’ convergence on 12th-13th November 2016 in London. Managing the logistics leading up the event and on the day. Liaising with the steering group and with other collaborators. The role will be primarily administrative, aimed at coordinating all the elements needed to run a successful event and help build a movement.

Where does our food come from? – 31st July – Full Programme

‘Where does our Food come from?’ – a free event on food and social justice Sunday 31st July 10-4pm Stepney City Farm, Stepney Way, E1 3DG – – ‘Where does our Food come from?’ a Spark event in collaboration with Community Food Growers Network will look at the intersecting issues around how…

Reclaim Our Spaces Event – 25th June 2016

Our lives are shaped by the spaces in which we live. When we give away important community space for another transient pop-up cafe or block of luxury flats, we give away part of our lives. We give away London’s cultural and community history. The planning system is not currently equipped with the policies required to protect…