
London Community Food Map >> Launch << 19.09.15

London Community Food Map Launch!
Date: Saturday 19th September 2015
Time: 2-5pm

Location: Calthorpe Project, 258-274 Gray’s Inn Rd, London WC1X 8LH, United Kingdom

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Community gardens are everywhere in London- spaces in the city where people learn new skills, spend time with neighbours, complete trainings and qualifications, and enjoy wildlife and plants in an ever increasing built-up urban environment.  They show the potential and need for food systems in the city that work with people and nature to produce fresh, nutritious food for all!

Register + Propose Workshops for UK Food Sovereignty Gathering

Another food system is possible!

National gathering to build a stronger movement for food sovereignty in the UK, 23-26 October 2015

Eventbrite - UK food sovereignty gathering 2015 - registration

The food sovereignty movement in the UK has grown with hundreds of projects thriving across the UK. It is time to gather again, share the progress we have made over the past few years and plan for the future.

Join us for all, or part of, the four days of discussions, organising, skill sharing and action planning. There will be amazing food, visits to local projects and a chance to connect with people from all of the UK that share a passion for transforming our food systems.
When: 23-26 October 2015
Where: Hebden Bridge – Birchcliffe Centre, HX7 8DG (see accommodation and travel below)