
THE PLOT Issue 4 call-out

The Community Food Growers Network will be printing the fourth issue of ‘The Plot’ newsletter collating community food-growing articles, news, and artwork at the end of June 2015.


Issue 3 of The Plot


Do you have a story from your food project/ experiences?

Practical tips on garden tasks?

Ideas around the long-term vision for community food?

March Against Monsanto 23/05/15

 Information re-produced from March Against Monsanto (London)

This year’s Annual March Against Monsanto will take place on 23rd May 2015. This STATIC EVENT promises to be packed with entertainment and speakers. Please check invite nearer the day for any updates/changes.
TOGETHER PEOPLE, FRIENDS, FAMILIES AND FARMERS PEACEFULLY ASSEMBLE. Join over 3.5 Million People in over 600 cities worldwide! We plant seed, grow local, eat sustainable food!

Feed into the UK Food Sovereignty gathering / Oct 2015

The UK Food Sovereignty Movement gathering is in Hebdon Bridge on 23 – 26 October 2015.

The group organising the event has been working on a survey to find out what people want from the gathering in an effort to make the process as participatory as possible- reflecting the needs, desires and ideas of a diverse group of people.

Filling in the survey linked here is one way you can do this!