
Common Agricultural Policy

The Land is Ours have been doing some work on the issues around the Common Agricultural Policy, which coincides with current campaigns by Via Campesina and a host of other producer unions in Europe. Very little has been done on the issues around CAP in the UK, which is crazy because in the UK the…

Summer Harvest Celebration

Select the best of your summer salads, pick your prize fruit and put on your dancing shoes  for the Community Food Growers Network summer harvest gathering. On the 26th August, come to Hawkwood plant nursery for an afternoon of fun, games and feasting to celebrate the diversity and productivity of London’s community food growing projects.…

Transforming our food system

Members will be attending this two day event, Transforming our food system in London on 8th/9th July. Organised by the UK Food Sovereignty Platform this event will bring together farmers, community food growers, NGOs and food activists to talk and plan for building a movement for food sovereignty in the UK. The registration form is…