Tag: food

Synchrony of Organic Interdependent Livity: S.O.I.L.

by Mama D, Community Centred Knowledge @IndigenousKnow

I am a mother and, in relative terms, recently sourced from the African continent. As a woman, and an African, I am present, but without voice. Most of the time, unseen and unheard. Yet, my essential being represents that which gives, over eternities, but remains unacknowledged. It is also that for which there is no gratitude shown. Just like the soil we walk upon. Such things have consequences.

Statement of Support to ‘Rising Up’ Bristol

Rising Up’ are a collective of activists that have halted development of a metro-bus only junction on a piece of strategic agricultural land in Frenchay, Bristol.

We put our support behind the action to protect Feed Bristol and the Stapleton allotments from the metro–bus only junction in Frenchay, Bristol. The land in question is of great significance due to its strategic importance in re-instating the historic market gardens of Bristol that could once again provide much of the city’s food. We are in no way opposed to public transport, but believe that it is possible to improving the city’s bus system whilst safeguarding habitats and agricultural land.…