Tag: workers

‘Towards a People’s Food Policy’ Questionnaire

Participate in the questionnaire here:


In October 2015 grassroots food and farming organisations in the UK began a process to create a People’s Food Policy for the UK. Stewarded by the LandWorkers’ Alliance, the aim of the project is to engage in a process from the ground up to articulate a vision of a fairer food system for all, and how it can be realised.
What is a food system?
A food system is the path that food travels from field to fork. It is made up of all the components of how food is grown, reared, harvested, processed, packaged, distributed, transported, accessed, consumed and disposed.

Food Sovereignty Football – 16th October

Family Farmers United vs Agri-Business FC The ‘Food Sovereignty Football Match’ has been called by the Landworkers’ Alliance as part of  World Food Day: Via Campesina’s global day of action. Across Europe 20% of farms get 80% of subsidies. In 2013 more than 900 UK based landowners and agri-businesses received more than £150,000 in payments,…